VOTE NO ON HB4293 SA02/3/4/5
Responsible Delta Hemp Companies
Meet Vicky Crouse...
Paralyzed from the waist down, Vicky used to take 12 pills a day for pain associated with a spinal injury from 20 years ago.  Since taking delta hemp capsules and gummies for the last two years, she said the pain and pills are gone.

I live independently, I like to be able to function and drive.  I don't like to feel impaired.  If I don't take them, my foot will tap or I'll get abdominal spasms...

It would be devastating [if Big Cannabis succeeds in passing HB4293 SA02].  I dread the thought of going back to taking all those pills...
Illinoisans Support Sensible Delta Hemp Regulation...
I Fully Support 21+
Katie Rumage / Rockton, IL
Even though I get functional relief from my hip and back pain by taking Delta Hemp products, I strongly support preventing my three children from having access to Delta Hemp products.  that's why I fully support 21+ regulations for Delta Hemp products!
Healing Our Community
Lincoln Bias / Rockford, IL
My delta hemp store strives to educate and heal.  Our industry and products inspire all of us to do good, feel good in body and mind and take pride in our community.
Productive on the Job
Jose Tapia / Chicago, IL
I live with a chronic pain condition, need to control the pain - and stay clear-headed - for my full-time job.  Narcotic pain relievers are not a good option.  Delta Hemp products allow me to be functional, pain-free and productive all day on the job.
In the News...
I'm a newbie investor.  I have a great interest in the Green Rush I just didn't know exactly how to leverage that...
I was very anti-drug, but changed my mind after seeing the Dr.'s reasons for dropping his stance on it and investing in it...
I'm addicted to investing, I'm somewhat of a mad scientist and like the other applications of the plant, like composites and fuels...
I have a lot of patients that tell me they were on medication for pain, anxiety or PTSD and I have seen how this plant has helped them...
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